Friday, July 10, 2009

News & Plot

Still editing my new novel. I'm taking my time on purpose. I like for everything to be perfect before I send it out.

Before anyone freaks out and says "NOT ANOTHER VAMPIRE STORY!", I'll give you the basic plot.

My MC is a 16-year-old girl, who destroyed her physical identity when her parents died.

Her objective is to try to restart her life with her cousins, by moving to a new town called Rosewood, and making new friends.

She is confronted by the Jenkins twins (vampire angels), who oppose her because she is the only person in Rosewood who can see the goblins they imprisoned in the forest surrounding the city. She is the one person who could free the goblins and their king.

The ending will be a knockout when Delilah frees the Goblin King and discovers he's a crossbreed between the goblins and vampires.

Of course there's more to the story, but this is the basic plot.

Hopefully the agents will think it's a little different than some of the other vampire stories out there!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

I haven't blogged in a while . . .

Well I'm finishing up on my new novel, MASQUERADE: A TWISTED HALLOWEEN TALE. It's a YA Urban Fantasy with a new twist to the vampire craze.

I Can't wait to finish editing and send it out!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Playing the waiting game!

I have one request for my full manuscript out, and three partials sent! Now I have to play the waiting game.

I've been writing a new Young Adult novel to pass the time!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I'm rechecking every detail of my synopsis since I have a request for two partials so far! Always fun! Thank the Gods it not as hard as a query!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Today's Goal

All right, my goal today is to write for five hours straight! Let's see how much of my next novel I'll complete!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

It's started!

Hello everyone! This is my first Blog! I write Young Adult Fantasy novels, and am in the middle of searching for representation! I have a wonderful husband, a beautiful little girl, and an overactive imagination!